Rated 1 out of
caseyeisenman from
terrible taste
I bought this on sale and it made my coffee taste like crap!
Date published: 2022-07-26
Rated 5 out of
Thundro from
Coffee new pleasure
This creamer adds a nice texture to any coffee flavor. It does not change the taste.
Date published: 2022-06-27
Rated 5 out of
A.J. from
The Best Creamer
Good flavor, makes an excellent cup when combined with Community Instant Coffee.
Date published: 2022-06-20
Rated 5 out of
Viv's cup from
great value
Great companion to community coffee for those that like a little creamer in their coffee
Date published: 2021-12-02
Rated 5 out of
Slingshot from
What I Want
They always have what I want when the grocery store doesn't & it delivers quickly.
Date published: 2021-03-14
Rated 1 out of
Tstand from
New and improved horrible
This used to be the best tasting creamer Bring back the old The new version has a very odd taste
Date published: 2021-01-15
Rated 5 out of
JohnB from
Great Product. Thanks!
Best on the market. Period. Just sometimes hard to find locally. Nice to know that we can order direct. Delivery was prompt and delivered in good condition.
Date published: 2020-12-17
Rated 1 out of
Lala101 from
Ruined my cup of coffee
I bought this hoping to get a good creamer for my coffee. This tasted horrible. Never thought I could get a bad product from Community.
Date published: 2020-07-17
Rated 5 out of
Gail80 from
Only Creamer to buy
I only use Community Coffee Creamer and always bought it at Kroger until recently, they stopped stocking it at least in my area. It is the only coffee creamer that gives your coffee a creamer taste even though it is powder. Try a taste test, you wont be sorry. The best ever.
Date published: 2020-05-16
Rated 5 out of
Aggie from
We truly love this creamer. During the stay at home order with COVID 19, we almost ran out. I went on line and Immediately ordered 12 - 11 ounce containers. We run short again. Thank you Community coffee. By the way it goes wonderful with Community dark roast coffee.
Date published: 2020-05-14
Rated 5 out of
RosieP from
Love community coffee creamer!
Great coffee creamer, can’t have my coffee without it!!
Date published: 2020-05-04
Rated 4 out of
Kat =^..^= from
Luv it!
Have been using it for years and husband and I are very happy with it!!
Date published: 2020-05-01
Rated 4 out of
Michelle1091 from
The taste!
I almost stopped buying this creamer! I would purchase this from local stores, but everytime I did, it had a nasty taste to it. I took a chance and bought direct, which I have no complaints so far! I’ll never buy from a 3rd party again!
Date published: 2020-04-30
Rated 5 out of
Clouseau from
Almost as good as Half and Half
We bought a large amount of Community coffee as the coronavirus was getting serious(we cannot afford to run out of Community coffee) and thoughttyhe creamer will be a good substitute. We were right.
Say hello to Eric
Date published: 2020-04-17
Rated 5 out of
Bovo-1975 from
I bought this for my son-in-law could not find in stores only HEB carries it here but because of the Virus people have gone crazy buying up everything. We are older and only get ou every 2-3 weeks. so by then everything is gone. So thanks for your website.
Date published: 2020-04-14
Rated 5 out of
Tamm from
Great tasting creamer!
This is the best coffee creamer I have ever used!!!
Date published: 2020-04-07
Rated 2 out of
Bubbie from
I've enjoyed this creamer for a year, but bought the product at a local Dollar store and put it my coffee and it smelled and tasted rank. Returned it and went to a local grocer and purchased and it was also rank tasting. The dates were good on both. Disappointed and will try another product.
Date published: 2019-10-22
Rated 5 out of
Julia from
Great features
I bought this cream a couple of months and had been trying to find it in stores. I finally decided to order it and I am so happy I did.
Date published: 2019-08-09
Rated 5 out of
Teresa62 from
Lactose Free
I Am Lactose intolerance....Thank You for Making Community Coffee Creamer Lactose Free...I cannot have anything with Milk or any kind of Milk Products... Thank You For making The Creamer Lactose Free!!!!
Date published: 2019-05-02
Rated 5 out of
SuzyP from
A former Coffeemate user...I LOVE this creamer!
After years of being a confirmed powdered Coffeemate user ~ occasionally trying a different creamer but always returning to Coffeemate ~ I have finally found a new love... Community Coffee Non-Dairy Creamer!! Oh my gosh, the rich, creamy flavor it imparts(albeit, I must use quite a bit more of this creamer)!! I do not care for sweetened creamers, however, I previously found myself adding a pinch of sugar and a shake of salt(!) to spruce up the flavor of other creamers, but THIS creamer is near PERFECTION, no extras needed. My next step is to try to find it in a larger, more economical container. Wish me luck!! : )
Date published: 2019-03-14
Rated 5 out of
Biggtony from
The Best of the Best
This is the best creamer I bought some out of Chevron gas station and I haven't been able to find it anywhere else why is this not in stores it is the best
Date published: 2019-01-01
Rated 1 out of
Anita from
I don’t like anything about the new packaging or product. The container is hard to open. I switched to nestle. Bring back our original product and packaging!
Date published: 2018-03-27