Rated 5 out of
Kelly G from
I’m so heartbroken that this was discontinued!! Please bring it back!!!!
Date published: 2024-10-26
Rated 5 out of
vlevan from
Whole bean breakfast blend is supreme
Nice flavor. Just enough to get you started on your day but not so much to make you stop drinking after one cup. I can enjoy the entire pot.
Date published: 2024-10-19
Rated 5 out of
Sue Ellen from
Please Don’t Discontinue You BEST COFFEE
I came on the website to buy this specific coffee. I discovered it about a year ago at Delta Biscuit Company in Monroe. I was in love with the first sip! I asked the owner of the restaurant what kind of coffee it was and it is the breakfast blend supreme! II bought a coffee grinder and have enjoyed this outstanding coffee for over a year. I was very upset to find out that Sam’s no longer carried it so I started searching every store with no luck! I’m down to my last bag and decided it was time to get it directly from Community Coffee. So now I’m devastated to see it’s been discontinued! How can this be? By all the comments I’ve read, everyone feels the same about this coffee as me.Have they quit growing this coffee bean? That’s the only reason I can think of to not have this coffee for sale anymore. I was willing to pay more just to still have this coffee and I’m deeply sad about this as I start my day with this wonderful coffee. I’ve served it to friends a they all react the same way I did with the first cup. Please respond to this comment. Send me an email. You have my email because I got the 25% discount email today. I was really going to stock up! If you have any left in your warehouse, I’d be interested in buying it. I pray you change you mind about discontinuing this wonderful coffee. When you’ve had the best you don’t want the rest of the others!
Susan Placke
Date published: 2024-09-28
Rated 5 out of
SMJR from
Pleeeeeeease nooooooooo
Please please please don’t discontinue this! I’ve been buying it in bulk at Sam’s club for years it’s my absolute favorite coffee ever! I’m a Louisiana native and go to lake Charles once a month to get all my coffee please please bring it back! I’ll subscribe thru yall foreverrrrrrr!
Date published: 2024-09-04
Rated 5 out of
Anonymous from
Why discontinue your best???
Ok, we’ve tried all your whole bean coffees including the new dark roast espresso whole bean and you don’t make anything close to your private reserve breakfast blend. Sure hate to start with another company. This is terrible news for a family that buys $50 worth of coffee each month!
Date published: 2024-08-31
Rated 5 out of
Nan1 from
So sad!!!
This was my favorite coffee. I can’t find a substitute that satisfies. Please bring it back!
Date published: 2024-08-23
Rated 5 out of
Incredibly Disappointing
So very disappointed this has been discontinued. It was THE best!! :(
Date published: 2024-08-04
Rated 5 out of
JLDD from
Anything else out there like this?
Is there anything else out there that is close to the Private Reserve Breakfast Blend? I can't believe they discontinued this.
Date published: 2024-07-12