Recognizing a Louisiana Teacher for Outstanding Service to the Community

In honor of the late H. Norman Saurage III, third generation owner and Chairman of the Board for Community Coffee, Dream Teachers annually recognizes a Louisiana teacher for outstanding service.

The public school teacher awarded demonstrates not only outstanding educational and leadership skills, but has made significant contributions outside of the classroom to support students and communities.

Norman Saurage Award Plaque

Past Winners

2024: Katie Chirhart - Shreve Island Elementary School


2023: Ken Brown - Iowa Middle School


2022: Kelly Stewart - Leblanc Elementary School


2021: Jennifer Morril - Dutchtown High School


2020: Jamie Byrd - Zachary High School


2019: Kristin Robair - Broadmoor High School


2018: Sara Jolie - Sam Houston High School


2017: John Wondergem - Madisonville Junior High School


2016: Janet Lathrop - West Feliciana Middle School


Eligibility and Nominations

Louisiana public school teachers with a minimum one-year of service may be nominated. Teachers previously nominated may be re-nominated for subsequent years.

Please visit Dream Teachers website to nominate someone. Finalists will be selected by a Dream Teachers evaluation committee. Winners will receive a personal cash award, plus a cash award that will be donated to his/her selected nonprofit cause.


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